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Friday, April 7, 2023

Single Review: Movies by the Qs

07/04/23 - Movies release day. 

The Q’s released their latest single today called Movies. I was given the opportunity to be able to write it up and give my thoughts. I’ve known the Q’s for a few months and they seem really lovely. This single is their 3rd single out and oh boy you’re all in for a real treat. 

I fell in love with this song the moment I heard it. “Mixing the anthemic sounds of late 90’s, early 2000’s Alternative Rock and their own Post-Punk oriented energy, THE Q’s have developed a sound that is both recognisable and catchy.” It got me head hopping and toe tapping almost instantly. It hit the spot and is a fab single. Everything goes together well and it truly shows off this bands talent as well. Perfect track to stick on and hit that repeat button anytime of the day.

This single is going to be a real success and I can’t wait to have it on repeat for the foreseeable. This single will be added into my “ones to watch” playlist on Spotify. I will also be checking out the Q’s in more depth and hopefully I’ll get out to see them live too. They’re from London, but now are based in Leeds. I’m just a few hours away from Leeds so will 100% make that trip. May even bring my camera along for the ride too. 

Movies can be found on all major streaming platforms and The Q’s can be found on social media @theqsuk

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