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Friday, February 24, 2023

Single Review: Chequered by Hollows

 24/02/23 - Chequered release day.

Today marks the release day of Chequered, which is the latest single by Hollows. I knew I'd love this song as much as I love the lads and had to give it a review. This review will feel more like an essay, but it'll be great I promise.


I have plenty of history with this band. Hollows are my band sent from heaven above. I found them on the 6th anniversary of the tragic deaths of Viola Beach. I believe to this day over a year later that this band was given to me by them. Hollows look after me more than any other band on this planet, after every single show I'm reminded about "3 rings and a text" and I cannot forget all the "life advice" either. If they didn't care about me like they do, they wouldn't go out of their way to look after me wherever we go. I've literally followed these guys all over the country pretty much and even chased them into Wales with my camera not far behind. I love this band with my entire heart and I'm 100% here for the long term, just like my tattoos show. I will never not be a dedicated annoying pest who doubles up as a mate at the same time.


When I heard this song I already knew what it all sounded like as I have indeed heard it live a good few times at previous shows. I instantly fell in love with this song, there's just something about it that I can relate to. Maybe it's because this song is a song about heartbreak, I've had plenty of that in my life from shitty people in general to awful Tinder dates!! (Undateable? Yes). The track is still like their older stuff, but still unique in its own little way. The track has its own personality and gives off a positive vibe, just like the lads do anyway. Whoever listens to this track will never get bored of it. I will never get bored of it that's for sure. I will make sure to put it in my "Ones to watch" Spotify playlist that Hollows actually feature quite a few times, they are ones to watch very closely. I can't wait to see them go off and I can't wait to be there every single step of the way.

Chequered is available on all major streaming platforms and Hollows can be found at @HollowsUK

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