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A little bit about me.

Hi everyone!! Courtney here, but you can call me Court. I'm not really sure how to start this blog but I needed an intro page to get thi...

Monday, November 8, 2021

A little bit about me.

Hi everyone!! Courtney here, but you can call me Court. I'm not really sure how to start this blog but I needed an intro page to get things rolling. I have one of the best hobbies in the world. It does however come second to my pony Rocky, he's my entire world. This hobby coming in at close second is concerts. I will attend any concert you throw at me. Big or small, known or unknown, ill be there, or at least try to be.

I attended my first ever concert at 14 years old. I remember it so well. I went watching One Direction with 5SOS as a support act at the Etihad in Manchester. I remember having my mum take me at the time as you had to be 16 or over to be in the standing area on your own. A lot has happened since then. Luckily, I now attend concerts and gigs on my own, or sometimes with friends. I decided to start up a blog because I really think unsigned artists and bands need more recognition. All the major concerts get reviewed professionally. Sadly I'm not a professional critic, but I think if I write about bands and soloists that I see and new faces I come across, people will hopefully go and see them too, and if this blog ever blows up and gets popular. Then the wonderful world of unsigned music will be recognized more. After all, it's one of the best forms of music.

A bit more about me. I'm currently in my 20s and I work a part-time job. Attending shows isn't my job before anyone gets confused. I pay out of my own pocket on tickets, travel, and hotels to be able to fulfill my hobby. I also have Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia. So writing this blog is a massive step as I struggle with writing in general and I really suck at spelling. So please ignore any spelling mistakes throughout each post. I do try and spellcheck before i publish. I have also lived with Asthma since I was 10 years old. But this doesn’t stop me heading down to my fave venues to watch my fave bands play, and go wild and get excited!!!

I want to make each post as best as I can. I'd like to add a brief profile about each band/artist I see. I attend shows of mixed genres too from rap to pop to pop-punk to rock and so on. So there should be something for everyone. I'll try and link any social media these artists have, plenty of them have passed over these details to me either in person or via management so I have quite a several profiles to add so you, the reader, can check them out too. I'm happy to answer questions via my own Instagram page @iamcourt__ this is where all my main photos are posted too for your viewing pleasure.

I hope this blog brings everyone as much joy as I have had writing it and I hope everyone loves it. Feel free to leave a comment I really enjoy reading feedback and ways to improve.

All the love
Court xx

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