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Monday, November 8, 2021

Friday 5th November: Underground sound London with Georgia Carter and supports.

Friday was a bright and early start for a 6 hour trip down to London for the small gig put on by Underground Sound. I hadn't heard of Georgia before this gig. My intentions were to go and show some support for my good friend Josh Brennan.

My coach arrived in London and I went and checked into my second hotel for the night and headed to The Moustache Bar for my second show of the weekend. This venue is also in a basement setting but is fantastic. The stage is situated in the corner of the room with the toilets next door and the bar at the back of the room. Luckily I am not reviewing London's alcohol prices as they would be a definite 6, to say the least. As a true northerner at heart, the prices aren't as nice as I like in my home cities of Preston and Manchester. Another blog idea maybe? I think I'll stick to reviewing gigs.

The first singer onto the stage was a lassie named Sonia. Originally from the UK but has lived in the Netherlands for a few years, this was her first gig in the UK. I need to firstly comment on the fantastic vocals this girl has. I was blown away. Her style is so different from anything I have heard before. She is a new artist I had only just heard of at this show and she was fantastic, a talent that will go far and I hope one day we can cross paths again. I give Sonia 7/10.

The second artist onto the stage was a lovely girl called Chantelle. It was her very first gig and she honestly rocked the stage and blew the crowd away with her amazing vocals. She couldn't have been any older than 18 years old, and to have that talent at that age is phenomenal. I did make sure to thank her for an amazing performance at the end of the night and let her know how well she did because there's no way I could get up and sing in front of people and people you might not actually know. She did however gather a bit of a crowd who all seemed very supportive cheering her on throughout her set. Chantelle can also sing in acapella which is a fantastic skill to have. I rate Chantelle as an 8/10 for a first performance she did super and I hope to see her again in the future!!!

Third up was Naciya. A solo artist from London. The performance and vocals were fab but were unable to hear much from her voice as the mic wasn't up to its fullest. Also another new artist I had just found through this show and I think she's brilliant and will go far but isn't totally for me. I don't think id go and see her again personally but if she was at another show I was attending then I would show some support and hype. I give Naciya a 6/10.

Charlie Fisher
 Next up was Charlie Fisher. A Singer from Scotland. Now Charlie blew me AWAY!!! They are fantastic. Talented isn't the word for Charlie I was left speechless after their set. I even got to speak to Charlie after they sang and bagged a photo because I needed something to bring back. I would 100% travel to Scotland, London anywhere to see Charlie again. They're a little darling. Super sweet and their whole performance was insane. I think if the stage was bigger they could have easily had a few backing dancers on stage with them too. The pop vibe is really needed and with Charlie's music you can really get up and have dance whether you know the songs word for word or not. Charlie has several social media accounts and also has music uploaded onto Spotify and other streaming sites for listening pleasure. I am giving Charlie a 10/10 a must-see and a one to watch on the music scene. I would love to see Charlie do a few shows down Manchester's Canal Street and at a few Pride events in the summer.

Next on was a lovely little singer called Yasmin. Vocals again were fantastic but I really don't think I'd go to a show just for her. But again if she was performing at a venue I was attending then I would watch have a sing-along and a dance but that would be about it. I am giving Yasmin a 6/10. She is fantastic but isn't for me. Which is okay. Everyone has preferences and I hope some of my readers will go and check her out and show some support.

Next up was the amazing Billy Carr. She is a transgender artist and all her songs are based on how she has had to face situations during her life transitioning into the lovely young woman she is today. Billy is a fantastic singer and performer. Her music really reflects how some people could be feeling at any point in their lives. As a member of the LGBT community myself I really related to some of her original music. I am giving Billy a 9/10. She is wonderful and an inspiration to us all and I hope she goes far in her career and I would love to come back to London and see her again if I ever got the chance to do so.

Josh Brennan

Next to take to the stage was Josh Brennan. Now I might be a tad biased writing this review as Josh is a good mate of mine and I am very fond of him and I back his singing career to the max. Josh was the one I specifically traveled to the show for but decided to sit in from 6pm to hear all the other artists as well and enjoy the entire night rather than just one of the singers on that night.

Josh performed amazingly well, like he always does, belting out new songs, old songs, and a few covers. He even got rapper Westside Gravy from the USA up on stage to perform 2 songs together which highlighted their lives and their own heritage as part of the Jewish community. For this, I am super proud of Josh for embracing who he truly is and showing everyone this new side which I absolutely love and I hope readers can also appreciate this lad as much as I do. His new content is absolutely fantastic and I really enjoyed hearing it and belting out the songs I knew word for word. I am giving Josh a full 10/10. He's going so far and doing so well. And I couldn't be prouder watching his growth and I cannot wait for what things in the future hold. Well done mate.

Finally, the last singer to take the stage was a wonderful lady named Georgia Carter. I actually had the chance to speak to Georgia and her family whilst watching the other artists perform before heading up to the front to watch Josh perform. I remained at the front of the stage to watch Georgia. Her voice and her own original music are absolutely fantastic. I was again blown away. She doesn't just sing either. She produces music for others. Her stage presence is fantastic. This was a perfect little headline show for her. And the love and support her family give her is fantastic. She attracts crowds and really knows how to put on a show. I am very impressed with Georgia and I will 100% be off to see her again one day. I am giving Georgia a 10/10 for a fantastic show and a brilliant end to a perfect evening. Can't wait to see what the future holds for her.

In all this gig was fantastic and a great starter gig for some of the artists who wanted to gig and show off their talents just after the effects of covid-19 and I can't wait to hear some of these names again in years to come.

Artist profiles (source: Instagram. Not all are listed due to not being able to find everyone)

  • @soniaelisheva
  • @naciya.x
  • @charlief.music
  • @yasminshawmusic
  • @billyivycarr
  • @joshbrennanuk
  • @georgia.e.carter

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