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Friday, February 10, 2023

Single Review: By The River by Apollo Junction

 10/02/23 - By the river release day.

Apollo Junction's new single, by the river, got released today! I was honoured to listen to this song and write my thoughts and feelings. Apollo Junction are fairly new on my books, but from what I've heard recently they sound amazing!! I really hope they are as good in person as they are recorded as I fell in love with this song instantly. As a massive indie fan, it really hit the spot. The single was written by Apollo Junction: Hope, Potter, Thornton, Williamson, Wilson Release by Shed Load Records  Published by Wipeout Music Publishing

At first, listen I was instantly hooked. This song sounds very similar to songs my other bands have released in the past, so I knew what I was listening to was something that I was actually going to like. I was right. I totally adore this song and even after a few spins on repeat I never got bored of it. It's upbeat, it's catchy, and it's perfect. I could easily see myself listening to this single and to this band way more, I might even have to go and see them myself!!
Every part that makes up this song just goes so well with each other and it honestly just needs to be heard. This review could honestly go so biased as I adore music that is very similar and in a similar style, but this just makes me like this band more and more. I just get so hooked on songs that instantly make me feel happier and just hits you in the right place to make you hit that repeat button every single time.
I will be looking more into Apollo Junction and pray that they come up to my neck of the woods one day so I can meet them personally. If not I shall be travelling somewhere totally random to complete my mission.

By the river can be found on all major streaming platforms and Apollo Junction can be found on social media @apollojunction

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