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Friday, November 4, 2022

Music Review: Reset by Wolforna

 04/11/22 - Reset by Wolforna - Release day.

Today, Wolforna released their latest single, Reset. I had to listen myself and jump on the hype of this single, produced at Prospect Studios in Bradford, and this new band that I have discovered.

I haven't known Wolforna long, but I already love what they are producing. After listening to Reset I had a listen to the rest of their discography to find out more about them and what their general sound is like. One song sometimes isn't enough to get a grip on a band and truly fall in love with their unique sounds. 

As I listen to "Reset" I sense the power within this song. The track has a real kick to it and the lead vocals really raised the bar for this song. There is a brief moment where the song slows slightly before kicking back into life again which I love. Described as "A journey through a moment of anger". I can totally agree with that. The track really delivers and if you love "heavy songs" then you'll love this one. I honestly think if I heard this live, there would 100% be a mosh pit!!!

Overall, I love this song. I could listen to it over and over, and I really did. I have added this song and this band to my "Ones to watch" list. I can't wait to see and hear more from this band and I would be committed to writing up more of their singles in the future. A fantastic track from Wolforna. 

Reset can be found on all major streaming platforms and Wolforna can be found on social media @WolfornaUK

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