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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Music Review: Am I on my own EP by The Five O Fives

 13/10/22 - EP release day.

Today, the new EP from The Five O Fives was released on all major streaming platforms. Naturally I was very excited for this release and couldn't wait for it to be dropped into my music libraries. I haven't known this band very long either. I found them in July, when the Hollows lads all told me about them after supporting them at one of their shows, and said I might enjoy them. I can now tell you they are 100% correct. I adore this band and I know I am going to be around long term. They seem special and I've already made friends with their bassist Nico.

As I listen to this EP, I am thrilled with the outcome. Despite only having 4 songs, each song is extremely catchy and their lead singer Alice has the most amazing voice!! It all goes together so well and I know why this band is liked as much as it is. As I am writing up this blog post, my feet are tapping, my head is bopping, and I am humming along to the catchy tunes each song has. I cannot find anything at all to fault with anything. Its perfect!! I already know every word to the track "I came around" and it is just brilliant.

To sum it all up, I really like this EP and I really hope there are more singles and eps to come that are like this one. They have a terrific sound and I am determined to get to a show to see them live. They do have a show in Birmingham tomorrow, but sadly my day job needs me. Next gig, no matter where it is, I shall be there and I honestly can't wait for that day to come. Cracking EP from The Five O Fives, keep up the great work folks, can't wait to hear more in the future!!! 

Am I on my own can be found on all major streaming platforms and The Five O Fives can be found at @thefiveofives

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