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Hi everyone!! Courtney here, but you can call me Court. I'm not really sure how to start this blog but I needed an intro page to get thi...

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

I'm back!! (and I'm never leaving)

 Hi all

Some of you might have noticed over the last 2 months or so I haven't been writing many gigs up. Of course I have still been attending and still networking and hanging out with my friends bands. But I have been taking a step back from the blogging and focusing more on my photography and building up contacts within the bands I see and work with. I wanted to just live in the moment a little more and worry less about having to write a full review at the end of it. I have missed writing of course I've missed it, but a lot has gone on since I followed Hollows on tour and due to this decided to take a step back from the blogging. Court needs a day off too sometimes!

I've never really revealed my reasons as to why I started this blog in the first place. Just like my photography I got the idea from being at a gig one night. I decided I wanted to help my friends out and get their bands and their music out there a little more. Of course I do everything humanely possible by travelling all over the country and providing the best images I possibly can, and shaping the business I have today - Shot By Court. We also can't forget the amount of merch I have managed to grab over the years, and of course the world famous tattoos that I have etched in my skin forever for the very special bands that are very close to my heart. Everyone who knows me knows my love for Hollywood Eyes, Hollows and The Montagues, I literally never stop talking about them!!!

Since tour so much has happened, I have recently left university in Bolton and have since moved back to my hometown near Wigan. I had to cut back on a few shows while I made the move over but I soon came back to the music scene just days after I came home properly. I couldn't stay away and my bands needed me to help them out and attend some shows. Which I will never say no to.

But there's another reason why I wanted to get my foot in the door of the music industry, and luckily I have had the pleasure of working with the charity a few times, and that is because I have an endless love for the band Viola Beach.
Viola Beach were a band from Warrington and of course I loved them, I still love them even to this day and I will always remember them greatly. They sadly all left us a few years ago and that's how I discovered The River Reeves Foundation. Every trip to Warrington sees me pop into Vintage Viola and now that I am only a 10 minute train away, Ill be there more often. Viola Beach are the band I sadly never got to meet, or see live. They never got to experience what I can do for bands and that breaks my heart so much. So I knew then what I wanted to do. Since I was 19 I have been all over the UK from Scotland to London seeing the bands I love and care for, whilst discovering new ones thanks to them. Its actually crazy to think if I hadn't gone to see Hollywood Eyes and Bronnie in Wales last year, I wouldn't have known The Montagues, Namsake (now known as Prang) and I wouldn't have even known Hollows, who came into my life just a few months later back in February 2022. All these bands have changed my life in some shape or form and without them I would have 0 tattoos, and I really don't think I would've launched Shot By Court, or even this blog.

My blog began around November time thanks to my good friends Ellie Dibben and Josh Brennan. I brainstormed the idea to them and they said go for it!!! I am so glad I took that step and starting writing up shows. Every band I have seen love what I write about them and cannot thank me enough for doing this. Not many people know that I blog for free to benefit the artists. It isn't part of my business like I thought I wanted it to be. So I am basically using my free time whilst now working 2 jobs to even do this. I stay up late, I write while I'm sat in hotels, train stations, trains, coaches, you name it. All because of one late band who touched my heart, and who are looking down on me and sending me all these wonderful bands who touch my heart even more. 

I want to take the time to thank every single band that have believed in me and let me take photos for them and write a review for them. I want to thank all of them for taking the time to get in touch with me and thank me personally, sharing my work. I do see all of it and everything gets documented and is celebrated as an achievement. I want to thank the people I've met through gigging and the lifelong friends that I have since made through these bands and artists. I am truly grateful for every single one but there are far too many of you to thank. But if any of you do read this, Thank you. I am grateful for everything. Also thanks to all the gig promoters who basically said yes to letting me in with my camera, even when other photographers have been present.
I would also like to thank my other photographer friends, for simply being nice and helping me with everything, from camera troubleshooting to editing tips. I wouldn't be where I am now with the group chat that I have and everyone in it. They know who they are.

I'd like to say a massive thank you to Hollywood Eyes for literally being my life for the last 4 years. Yes we may have drifted during pandemic times, but we came back and came back way stronger than we did before. I never forgot about these lads and i'm glad Rivfest brought us all back together. Were a strong team and I am never leaving their side. Here's to many more years to come and many more gigs. Lets make some great memories to look back on when were old. I owe this band my life and I couldn't imagine life without them right now. It just wouldn't be the same.

Next I'd like to thank Hollows for having my back and believing in me since day 1. Its only been 7 months but we've became great friends and I know I can count on them for anything. I want to thank them for looking after me for 6 nights on the bounce on tour, and for even letting me come on tour in the first place, with my camera for most of the week too. Thanks for looking after me when I've been drunk, hungover, sad, happy, the lot. These lads have looked out for me and I feel like I gained 4 extra brothers who I can count on for support whenever I need it. I thank them for not seeing me as some fangirl, but seeing me as an actual person with a purpose. I really don't think Shot By Court would be where it is now without this band. They were one of the first I went and photographed. I owe them my life.

Next I want to thank The Montagues for being just as amazing as Hollywood Eyes and Hollows combined. Again, looking after me when I needed it and helping me out as much as they can. In return I am constantly trying to get out to see them when and where I can. Even if it means travelling very long hours to get there. These lads have my back and I have theirs forever. Mainly because of my fantastic tattoo that I went and got without them even knowing!!! Obviously they know now and have all seen it in the flesh!

So of course I'm never ending my blog, no this is just the start. I'm just super grateful for all the opportunities that it has given me and I honestly don't think I could ever stop attending gigs. This year alone I have done at least 1 show a week!!! Which is way more than average. Who knows, If I keep this winning streak up you may see my face in the Guinness book of records!!! Imagine: Courtney Louise; Most gigs attended by a single human being. I make myself laugh too often 😂
But I don't think I will be writing up every single show from now on. I need rest at times and I need breaks. But of course I will always stick a post on my socials to comment on how good the show was. Blog or no blog. There will always be recognition by me in some shape or form. I mean I am the one who after a gig instead of leaving I start running about thanking all the bands who have played. Oh and cant forget the part where i hand out business cards too.

Huge love to every single one of you.
Love Court xxx

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