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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Kairos and Supports at Off the Square, Manchester - 17/09/22

 17/09/22 - Off the Square, Manchester

Saturday saw me pack up my camera and catch a train from my new home into Manchester. I went to see 4 fantastic bands, 3 of them I ended up doing photography for at the same time.

Big Society

First onstage was a band called Big Society. A fantastic first opening band who I really enjoyed watching. They have a great sound and I would love to see them again and meet them properly. Sometimes you need a few gigs to really see what a band can do and I really think these guys will go far in future. I wish them all the best and hope to see them again soon.

Social Media: @thebigsocietyband


Next was a band who I have seen and written up so many times. So ill keep this short. But Hollows as always, were flipping amazing!! They really do push themselves and every gig I attend despite now working half of them I really really enjoy. I know their songs more than anyone and even know the order they come in!! These lads did another amazing gig and I
had the best time. A fair few came down along with a few faces I recognised from tour too, which was just so nice to see. These lads deserve the world and more and they got me instead. I simply do not deserve them one bit. I will 100% be at the next gig no matter what. They have my heart forever.

Social Media: @hollowsuk


Next to take the stage was Lighthouse. A fantastic band who are very new to me but very lovely so im sticking around!! From what I saw of their set, whilst ducking and diving around the stage to get the best angles with my camera, they're just great. They have true talent and I hope I get to see more of them on my travels and gig adventures! I would love to feature them in more reviews. Their songs are right up my street and I do need to go ahead and check them out properly when I have time from my busy schedules!!! I can see me becoming devoted to this band real quick. I must add that they're a pleasure to work with and I enjoyed my time spent with these lads. A must see.

Social Media: @lighthouse_official_uk

The Kairos

The final band to perform and the headliners of the evening, was The Kairos. At this point I stopped taking photos and let their own photographer take over as I know what its like to have others taking photos alongside you and it didn't end well. I got to watch these guys properly and they're really cool. They have quite a good following and managed to get people down despite being from Liverpool. I would love to see more of these guys and probably would return to Manchester to go and see them again if I got the chance to. Or if any support acts ask me to come and help them out with photography on the night. They'll go far and I can't wait to see it.

Social Media: @thekairosband

*Images by @Shotbycourt_*

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