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Monday, August 1, 2022

Hollows, Namesake & Swamp Chicken - Manchester - 30/07/22

30/07/22 - The Eagle inn, Salford. 

The final night of tour took me to Salford, Manchester. For a gig of a lifetime. It was crazy!! The bands were amazing. The crowd was just wild. It was a fab gig, and it really ended the tour on a high. I actually couldn't wait to write this one up.

Swamp Chicken

First support up to perform and get the lovely crowd warmed up was the amazing Swamp Chicken. I hadn't heard of them before this gig but I had high hopes for them. They pulled off a great set and really delivered to the crowd that watched. Their original songs are just brilliant and I will be checking them out more wherever I can find them.
Would I see Swamp Chicken again? Yes!! I hope I get to see them again they seem lovely. I had a chat to their lead singer briefly and she seems so lovely. 
I wish them all the best for the future and hope we cross paths again soon.

Social Media: @Swamp_chicken_music


Next up was Namsake. Who I have in fact seen once before. It was wayyyy back in October 2021. The same day I discovered The Montagues!!! As it was the same gig they were performing at. My boys in Hollywood Eyes and the amazing Bronnie did a brill job making me attend this show!!! I'm glad I went or I wouldn't be writing this. As thanks to The Montagues I got to know Hollows. Its all a big domino effect.

I can tell you all now I have 100% fallen back in love with this band. They still knew who I was after so long apart and it was great to see them again. We had a super long catch up before the gig started, it just felt great!!!
Their set was just one of the best. I already knew a few songs and they could see me singing at the front and just having the best time in general. I had no camera with me either so it just felt even better to just enjoy them again like I did last year.
Will I see Namsake again? 100% YES!!! I love them too much to not come back and see them a million times over. I will make sure that they are sick of seeing me as I now have another reason to make long 8 hour trips to London and back! I really missed these lads and seeing them again at the end of a long but fun week really was the icing on the cake. I hate to be biased but they were the best support act of the night too. I even got brave and grabbed them all for a big photo of all 6 of us together, which I will treasure forever.

Social Media: @namsakeband


Again, a band that needs 0 introduction. Hollows. The band that are quite literally my life and saviours. Before I write about their set I need to mention how these lads really really looked after me all week. They made sure I was back at my hotels safe each night. They kept me safe while I was blackout drunk in Sheffield. And also helped me out big time in Frodsham. No other band looks after me like they do and I cannot thank the lads enough for what they've done for me in 5 short months. From day 1 they haven't seen me as some fangirl. They've took me seriously in every way and have supported my blog and supported my photography since the day I told them about it all. These lads also know what I've been through in life and haven't left me, haven't judged me and just accepted me for who I am. I am so grateful that they're in my life. I feel like I've been around for 5 years never mind 5 months. You wouldn't think we only got to know each other in February of this year. The way we just support and look after each other, you'd think I'd been around way longer.

Now onto their set. This was quite frankly the best set they did all week. Now of course none of the sets I saw all week were bad. But this one really did show what this band can do. It was a sold out show on home ground for a start. But they really blew the roof off and everyone looked like they were having the most amazing time. (even I had the best time despite having a little cry in the corner during mmol) It felt great being able to just enjoy every song. As I now know every song off by heart so I could sing to every song which was the best. Lead singer, Sean, even did a stage dive twice which was really cool to watch!!! It made the gig.
As I'm writing this and re living this tour, I am also starting to miss the lads so much. Getting a tattoo for them was so worth it!! I am literally with them for life, even if they are sick of seeing me after 6 nights in a row!! I know that won't be the case at all. Next tour I plan to just save like mad and put all the hours in at work and potentially do the whole thing. I picked the best band to do this with and I'd do anything for them now in a heartbeat. I'm really excited for the next gig!!!! Hollows for life!!

Social Media: @hollowsuk

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