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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Live Review: We are Manchester: Belated birthday bash - 22/10/22

 22/10/22 - Aatma, Manchester

Saturday evening, I headed down to Aatma in Manchester's Northern Quarter to a fantastic gig to celebrate We are Manchester's birthday. Held at Aatma.
We are Manchester are a fantastic gig promoter in Manchester and have put on some fab gigs in the past. I discovered them whilst touring with the fantastic Hollows, due to them promoting and organising the Salford date of the tour!! Which really was a fab night.

Satan's Baby

The first band up to perform was the fab Satan's baby. This was my first encounter with this band and I was beyond impressed. They have an amazing sound and performed so well. I really enjoyed their set, and the small crowd that came early also enjoyed their set.
Would I see them again? Yes if they had a few local gigs or were gigging with a band I already knew. I'd be there for sure. Satan's baby have bags of talent and more people need to see it and hear what they have to offer. It's amazing!!!!

Social Media: @satansbabyrock


Next to perform was Feathertrade. Another amazing band who I had seen for the very first time at this show. There's something about these guys that really made me take a liking to them. They have a wicked sound and played super well!! They really got the crowd going and a few came down just for them! You know a band is a hit with the crowd when they all move forward. I would be more than happy to see them again if they did some more gigs. They have that sound that really makes you wanting more. I am in the process of checking them out properly and I would consider supporting feathertrade in the long term. I had a chat with their lead singer who is just lovely.

Social Media: @feathertrade

The Hangman's Howl

The final band to perform and the headliners of the night was none other than The Hangman's Howl. Another band who are just lovely to speak to with a wicked sound. They were a huge hit with the crowd that had doubled by now and they really closed the show with a bang!!
This band have the most incredible sound and it really makes me want to commit. I did find myself toe tapping and head bopping during their set and I even stuck around to watch their entire set because I liked it so much. Once again, they are super talented and really need to be seen and heard so much more.
Would I see them again? Yes!! I would definitely see them again and possibly attend another headline for them. I think I could see myself supporting them long term.

Social Media: @thehangmanshowl

*Images by @shotbycourt_*

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