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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Tilly Louise + Supports at Retro, Manchester

 30/06/22 - Retro, Manchester

A short train journey into Manchester saw me head down to Retro bar to photograph a gig for the amazing Tilly Louise. Along with supports Mandelbro and the well known More in Luv.

More In Luv

First on was the fabulous More in Luv. This band is very well known to me as I have now known these lads for 11 months. Time has flown so fast but I still love them as much as I did back then.
The lads did a fantastic set like they always do. Playing all the originals that I know and love and just rocking the stage like they always do. I love being in the company of this band, they know me really well now and I'm always greeted with a hug when I arrive at shows. They are a great band who I adore very much. I can't wait for the next shows these lads have and I can't wait for new music to be released. More in Luv are on my recommendations list. I will 100% be seeing these guys again, one show isn't enough. I need loads.

Social Media: @moreinluv


Next up was Mandelbro. They are an amazing band who come from Paris!! They played a wicked set and I got some fantastic shots for my own portfolio. I really enjoyed watching this band and I would happily attend another show. Their original songs are just so good and I was hooked after the first few songs. The crowd really enjoyed them so much and I really hope they know that the UK loves them!! They will go far as well. I will be checking them out properly and will be keeping my eyes and ears open for anymore shows that I can attend. I wish them all the best for the future and I cannot wait for more music, shows and content in general. 

Social Media: @mandelbro1

Tilly Louise

Last to perform as the headline of the night was the sensational Tilly Louise. I love this girl so much. She performs so well. This gig was part of a mini tour she had put on, and she honestly brought a crowd. They went crazy for her and it was nice to see people enjoying live music again. Tilly sang mostly original tracks but they were all so brilliant. Again I got some fab images of her and her band for my own Instagram page and portfolio. Tilly is a pleasure to watch and I really hope that I can return and see her again. I will be checking her out properly and adding her to my list of artists that I love. I wish her all the best for the future and I can't wait for more shows and music. Amazing gig!!!

Social Media: @TillyLouiseMusic

(Images: Shot By Court)

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