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Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Montagues & Supports @ Jacaranda, Liverpool

 22/07/22 - Jacaranda Club, Liverpool

Friday saw me head into Liverpool for my next gig. Gig 45 to be exact. I went down to see The Montagues headline. I always enjoy coming to see these lads. This gig was once again a night to remember!!

PG Ciarletta

PG Ciarletta was the first to perform. Hailing from Scotland. PG is a fantastic singer and a fab choice for an opening act. He opened the show extremely well and really set the bar high for the other artists due to perform next. He had a fantastic set list. Which I managed to grab a copy of at the end of his set. The crowd that came down early looked like they were having a fab time listening to this lad. He is going places!!!! Would I see PG Ciarletta again? 100% yes!! I would happily catch him again at another show and I have indeed gigged in Scotland before, so who knows, maybe this is my sign to get back up to Scotland for even more gigs. I wish PG Ciarletta all the best for the future and I hope we can cross paths again one day.

Social Media: @pgciarletta

Gallahers Green

Next to perform was Gallahers Green. Again another fantastic band who I had a really great feeling about when I checked out their music on streaming platforms prior to the gig. What I like about this band is, they sound totally different live compared to recorded tracks. I recognised a few songs from when I had a listen but many were songs I hadn’t heard before. Apart from this these guys really go for it and really give a fantastic show. I am adding them to my list of ones to watch. I would happily go and see them again if I had the chance to. Their set was just up there as one of the greats. Fantastic work, I wish Gallahers Green all the best for the future and I hope I get to see them again soon.

Social Media: @gallahersgreen

The Montagues

The Montagues were the final band to perform and were just fantastic as usual. They never have a bad show, wether its as a supporting artist or a headline. They played all my favourite songs and despite photographing the gig at the same time. I still had a lovely time singing my heart out. They always give it their all and really rock the stage. I have featured these lads many times before in my blogs. It’s not just the tattoo I have that makes me come back. These guys are number 2 in my top bands because of their amazing sound, and personalities to match. They always make time for me and I really enjoyed this gig for so many reasons. I adore this band with all my heart and I’m never leaving. They’re stuck with me for life. I always wonder how my life would be now if I hadn’t gone to Focus Wales last year. I’d have less tattoos I know that 😂 I know I will 100% see this band again as I am seeing them again up in Sheffield on Tuesday. Stay tuned for that blog as it will be a great read.

Social Media: @montaguesmusic

Photos by Shot By Court

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