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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Hollows and Supports - Chester - 25/07/22

 25/07/22 - Alexander’s, Chester.

A quick trip on the train from Liverpool to Chester and a hotel check in later. I was in Chester on the first night of my 6 night run of gigs with the amazing band that is Hollows. There will be more blog posts as the week goes on. But Monday kicked off a week of fab gigs, drunken nights, heavy hangovers and just good times. There’ll be a write up for every show except from Sheffield as little Court here got too drunk to remember who was on. Whoops.

Terry Lewis and The Hitmen.

First and the only support act of the evening due to artists sadly pulling out. Was Terry Lewis and The Hitmen. Who I must say before i begin their review are one of the best dressed bands I have ever seen. Of course the bands I see dress nice, but they had full on suits on and I thought that was brilliant. Their sound is also completely different to the usual indie, pop punk and rock i normally get to hear. They sounded like they’d just time travelled from the 50s or 60s. Now despite only being 23 years of age I grew up on this style of music. Which is maybe why I have such a diverse music taste now, especially in the unsigned grassroots music scene. I really enjoyed this band so much, they have amazing songs and I really hope I can get out and see them again soon. I wish them all the best.

Social Media: @terry_lewis_and_the_hitmen


Next up were the headliners of the night, Hollows. These guys have had write ups before and I enjoy writing them up every single time. Now with added photos to match. Hollows are next level, they have a great sound and fantastic personalities to match. These lads are super down to earth and they’re always looking after me at shows. Making sure I’m alright getting to and from shows. Their set was incredible!! They mixed covers with originals but the crowd in Chester ended up really enjoying them. The gig was quiet for them but on a Monday it really went off for Hollows. They make me so proud. As you’ll all see when more articles get released. Is that I adore this band with my entire heart and I’m happy they came into my life at the correct time. I have nothing bad to say about them at all. Deep down I love how protective they are of me too. Once this gig was over they made sure I was ok getting back to my hotel which was only a short walk away from the venue anyway. But not many other bands do this unless we’ve gone on a night out. So I respect them so much for that.

I’m buzzing for the rest of the write ups that I can do for this band, so many more articles to come from different days of this tour. I am having the best week and I don’t want it to end.

Social Media: @hollowsuk 

(Photos by: Shot by Court)

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