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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

R Fest (Night 2) - 06/05/22

 06/05/22 - Retro, Manchester

Friday night, I checked into a hotel in Manchester for the evening and headed down to Retro once again for my second evening at R Fest. I saw 5 fantastic bands who I haven't seen before, so this gig was a real treat. I switched up the gig and headed into the basement for this gig.


Shackites are a fantastic little band who I knew I wanted to support instantly. Sadly I only got 15 mins of their set due to arriving 15 minutes in. But they still managed to wow me while I was photographing the show at the same time. I would happily come back to another show to see them again. From what I saw they played a mostly original set, but it was fantastic. They wowed the small crowd that formed and myself too. This band are a pleasure to watch. They deserve all the support they get. Fantastic.

Social Media: @shackites

Maxwell Avenue

Next up was Maxwell Avenue. Another band I fell in love with instantly. They have an amazing sound that I really like, mostly because they sound like bands I support already, which may I add is never a bad thing. They reminded me of the fabulous band that is Hyde Project.
Hailing from Birmingham, this was the first time that Maxwell Avenue have played in Manchester and I really hope they love us enough up here to come back one day. I would 100% be down for another show of theirs. Who knows, I might even rock up in Birmingham one day. I had a little chat to their lead singer who is so lovely and so genuine, which makes networking with bands so much easier. Fantastic set from Maxwell Avenue.

Social Media: @maxwellavenueofficial

Rupcha Farms

Next to take to the stage was a band called Rupcha Farms. They have the most unique sound and I have never heard a band like this one before, and I have heard a lot of bands before!!! They're really cool and I loved being in their company. They had mostly original songs again but really got the small crowd that came down going. They were a great choice of band and if they returned to Manchester for a show I would 100% be down for another round of Rupcha Farms. Fantastic set guys!! My readers should totally go check them out and get to a gig!!

Social Media: @rupchafarms


The Penultimate band of the evening was a band called Buds. Who might I add are amazing. They are sensational. So good in fact that they came off the stage to perform and really got into the crowd. Everyone was having a great time during their all original set. Buds really go for it when they perform, they know exactly what they are doing and know how to get a crowd going. They were playing Retro as part of a tour for the headline band All Better and I think they did a fantastic job at it.
I wish Buds all the best in the future and I hope to be back!!!

Social Media: @budsfullstop

All Better

The final band to perform, All Better. Trust me they made the night "All Better" (Excuse the pun) their set was fantastic and everyone really adored them. Including myself.
They know how to rock a stage, and with each song I knew that I would end up supporting them myself. It was that good. They have awesome original songs and I know I would 100% go to many more shows to see them again. They deserve so much support and amazing opportunities! I really hope that they get there in the months and years to come.
Amazing set from All Better.

Social Media: @allbetterband

(images: @shotbycourt_)

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