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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Focus Wales - 07/05/22

 07/05/22 - Wrexham, Wales

Saturday, was Focus Wales day. This event is an event spread over 15 venues with hundreds of bands playing over 3 days. I attended on the Saturday to watch bands Hollows and The Montagues play. I will be writing about the bands I got to see only, to the best of my knowledge as I was in full festival mode and spent more time in the local pubs and falling down the stairs in the local Wetherspoons. I still had an amazing time however.


First band I went to see was Hollows. Now in a few short months these lads have been amazing and they have grown on me so much. They have the most amazing songs and I really got stuck into having a great time during their set down at Central. Despite being totally drunk, I still know that they played an amazing set. I honestly love these lads so much, I can't wait to support them further and come and see them all over the country. They are going to do so well and I can't wait to be there the entire time just watching them smash it every single time.

Social Media: @hollowsuk


The Next band I saw and the next few were all playing at a venue called The Wynnstay. Which is also a hotel (very handy to know for tour) as I rocked up heavily drunk by this point and falling over my own feet. I came across a band called Human. They sounded brilliant and I enjoyed watching bits of their set. I will need to catch these fellas again whilst sober. I have little recollection of speaking to their lead singer but I did and he seemed lovely. They will see me again, just not in the state that I was in. Still a great band that I will defo be checking out and seeing again in the future. I wish them all the best of luck and I defo won't be smashed out my face when they see me again.

Social Media: @h.u.m.a.nband

The Montagues

The next band to play was The Montagues. These guys have my heart and so much more. I would literally do anything for these lads. I have so much love for them and they have become such great pals in such a short space of time. I even faced my fear of needles again and got a tattoo for them!! That's how much they mean to me.
Their set was fantastic. All original, all of my favourite songs. So yes I went a little wild while they were onstage. Despite being super horribly drunk, I managed to photograph for them and came out with some of the best images. 
Everyone knows I will be seeing this band again for sure. I will be around forever now and nothing will ever stop me from being there for them. I can't wait for new music, new shows just content in general. The Montagues have my entire heart and I can't thank them enough for everything that they have done for me. They are a credit to themselves and everyone around them.

Social Media: @montaguesmusic


The last band I managed to see properly before my drunken self took off and went wandering was Pale. I was introduced to Pale from a good friend of mine who knows the band well. Now they are stuck with me!! I really enjoyed watching Pale for a short time. I would most definitely go and see them again, preferably more sober next time.
From what I heard they have a great sound and I bet that they are a lovely bunch who I will defo introduce myself to next time I get to a gig of theirs. 
I wish them all the best for the future and cannot wait to check them out properly and see them next.

Social Media: @pale_uk

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