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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

R Fest 2022 - Night 1 05/05/22

 05/05/22 - Retro bar, Manchester.

Thursday night saw me down at the retro bar for my first night of R Fest. R Fest is a small festival held at the Retro bar in Manchester, which is located just up the road from Factory.
They hosted over 100 bands over a week long festival, spread over 3 stages. I went down for Thursday's show to watch the talented Waiting till Marriage, and other bands Pleo and A Second Generation.


First to take the bar stage was Pleo. I hadn't heard of Pleo until this gig. They are sensational, a great choice for an opening band. They played mostly original tracks which all sounded amazing!! They have excellent stage energy and a great stage presence. I got to enjoy their set whilst photographing.
Pleo are going to go far and I hope to see them more often around Manchester. If you get to see them please give them all the support possible. I can't wait for the next time I get to see Pleo live, and possibly give them another glowing write-up. Fantastic work!!!

Social Media: @PlayPleo

Waiting Till Marriage

Next up was the band I originally came to see. Waiting Till Marriage. I have seen this boys go through many changes to become the band they are today. They have improved so much since and I'm so proud to be still here and a part of their lives. I've also been getting to know new member Brandon well and he's a little sweetheart. All the lads are so kind and genuine and they are a credit to their manager, and to each other.
They played a mostly original set and it gets better and better every time. I had a great time hearing a few new songs and singing along to the songs that I knew. They never fail to amaze me and I can't wait to see these boys more often all over the country. Waiting Till Marriage are going to go far!! Amazing lads!

Social Media: @waitingtillmarriageband

A Second Generation

Final artists to take to the Retro bar stage was A Second Generation. These guys are sensational. They rocked the stage so well. They instantly reminded me of the fabulous Pet Shop Boys, which I later found that they were one of their biggest influences.
Playing an all original set, I was actually blown away with their unique sound and stage presence. I would happily come back and see them again!! I can see myself supporting these guys so much. I had the pleasure of having a chat with lead singer Josh outside, he is so humble and genuine and I really love that about someone. They totally deserve all the support they get! I can't wait for the next steps for them, I'll be here every step of the way.

Social Media: @asecondgeneration

(Images: @shotbycourt_)

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