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Saturday, June 24, 2023

Music Review: 22 Degrees & Sunny - Wolforna

 22/06/23 - 22 Degrees & Sunny is released.

I have again been given the pleasure of writing another review for the fantastic band Wolforna. I have been allowed to listen to their latest single 22 Degrees & Sunny.
A brief background on Wolforna. Hailing from Leeds, they have had a few fantastic singles in the past, they are going to go far in the music scene and are on my ones-to-watch list. "Their signature sound combines classic rhythm guitar sensibilities and melodic harmonies with a super-tight rhythm section underpinning it all. Yet here, on possibly their hardest-hitting track to date, ‘22 Degrees & Sunny’ asserts itself as another step in a heavier direction for the lads."

My thoughts on this single are nothing but good. I really loved the previous single that I wrote up called "Reset", which can be found on this site and can still be viewed. I gave it a few listens on repeat whilst writing and honestly, I just love it. The single is pretty heavy and gives a true feeling of rock. This track could be listened to all day every day, it brings you in and hooks you from the moment you listen. This is one for the playlists and definitely one for all you rock music fans!!

I love Wolforna, I think they're a great band and I really need to get out and see them at a gig one day. They've supported some really cool artists and I will be buying those tickets!! And so should you, the reader.

22 Degrees & Sunny can be found on all major streaming platforms. Wolforna can be found on socials @WolfornaUK (image 2 credit: Nathan Towers)

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